Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/319

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this short if you please—here is a settlement of the estate of Singleside, executed several years ago, in favour of Miss Lucy Bertram of Ellangowan"———The company stared fearfully wild. "You, I presume, Mr Protocol, can inform us if there is a later deed?"

"Please to favour me, Mr Pleydell;"—and so saying, he took the deed out of the learned counsel's hand, and glanced his eye over the contents.

"Too cool," said Pleydell, "too cool by half—he has another deed in his pocket still."

"Why does he not shew it then, and be d———d to him?" said the military gentleman, whose patience began to wax threadbare.

"Why, how should I know?" answered the barrister,—"why does a cat not kill a mouse when she takes him?—the love of power and of teasing, I suppose.—Well, Mr Protocol, what say you to that deed?"

"Why, sir, the deed is a well drawn