Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/32

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in palmistry, but she seemed agitated by other feelings.

"Tell me," she said, "tell me in the name of God, young man, what is your name, and whence you came?"

"My name is Brown, mother, and I come from the East Indies."

"From the East Indies!" dropping his hand with a sigh, "it cannot be then—I am such an auld fool, that every thing I look on seems the thing I want maist to see. But the East Indies!–that cannot be—Weel, be what ye will, ye hae a face and a tongue that puts me in mind of auld times. Good day—make haste on your road, and if ye see ony of our folk, meddle not and make not, and they'll do you nae harm."

Brown, who had by this time received his change, put a shilling into her hand, bade his hostess farewell, and, taking the route which the farmer had gone before, walked briskly on, with the advantage of being guided by the fresh hoof-prints of