Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/39

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tered by the jolly farmer, as he came up, his head streaming with blood, and recognised his deliverer and his attendant.

"I hope, sir, you are not hurt dangerously?"

"O, deil a bit—my head can stand a gay clour—nae thanks to them though, and mony to you. But now, hinney, you maun help me to catch the beast, and ye maun get on behind me, for we maun off like whittrets before the whole clanjam-fray be down upon us—the rest of them will no be far off." The galloway was, by good fortune, easily caught, and Brown made some apology for overloading the palfrey.

"Deil a fear, man," answered the proprietor, "Dumple could carry six folk, if his back was lang aneugh—but God's sake haste ye, get on, for I see some folk coming through the slack yonder, that it may be just as weel no to wait for."

Brown was of opinion, that this apparition of five or six men coming across the