Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/143

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"Is that all?" thought Sampson, resuming his spoon, and shovelling away manfully; "I will not lack my food upon that argument."

"Now ye maun tak a dram."

"I will," quoth Sampson—"conjuro te—that is, I thank you heartily," for he thought to himself, in for a penny in for a pound, and he fairly drank the witch's health in a cupfull of brandy. When he had put this cope-stone upon Meg's good cheer, he felt, as he said, "mightily elevated, and afraid of no evil which could befall unto him."

"Will ye remember my errand now?" said Meg Merrilies; "I ken by the cast o' your e'e that ye're anither man than when you cam in."

"I will, Mrs. Margaret," repeated Sampson stoutly; "I will deliver unto him the sealed yepistle, and will add what you please to send by word of mouth."

"Then I'll make it short," says Meg; "tell him to look at the stars without fail