Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/203

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people in point of gallantry than their volatile neighbours are willing to admit. They are constant as clock-work in their attentions."

"I should tire of that."

"Imperturbable in their good temper."

"Worse and worse."

"And then, although for six times three hundred and sixty-five days, he has placed the capuchin round your neck, and the stove under your feet, and driven your little cabriole upon the ice in winter, and through the dust in summer, you may dismiss him at once, without reason or apology, upon the two thousand one hundred and ninetieth day, which, according to my hasty calculation, and without reckoning leap-years, will complete the cycle of the supposed adoration, and that without your amiable feelings having the slightest occasion to be alarmed for the consequences to those of Mynheer."

"Well, that last is truly a Dutch recommendation, Mr. Pleydell—glasses and