Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/217

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appearance here gives offence, or if I am welcome?"

Mannering instantly made an effort—"Welcome? most certainly, especially if you can point out how I can serve you, I believe I may have some wrongs to repair towards you—I have often suspected so; but your sudden and unexpected appearance, connected with painful recollections, prevented my saying at first, as I now say, that whatever has procured me the honour of this visit, it is an acceptable one."

Bertram bowed with an air of distant, yet civil acknowledgment, to the grave courtesy of Mannering.

"Julia, my love, you had better retire. Mr. Brown, you will excuse my daughter; there are circumstances which I perceive rush upon her recollection."

Miss Mannering rose and retired accordingly; yet as she passed, Bertram could not suppress the words, "Infatuated! a second time!" but so pronounced as to be heard by him alone. Miss Ber-