Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/243

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Julia Mannering—hath not meanly contributed—Suum cuique tribuito."

"You then," said Bertram to his sister, "are all that remains to me!—Last night—but more fully this morning, Colonel Mannering gave me an account of our family misfortunes, though without saying I should find you here."

"That," said Lucy, "he left to this gentleman to tell you, one of the kindest and most faithful of friends, who soothed my father's long sickness, witnessed his dying moments, and amid the heaviest clouds of fortune would not desert his orphan."

"God bless him for it!" said Bertram, shaking the Dominie's hand, "he deserves the love with which I have always regarded even the shadow of his memory which my childhood retained."

"And God bless you both, my dear children," said Sampson; "if it had not been for your sake, I would have been contented (had Heaven's pleasure so been)