Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/267

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Mr. Driver—it will not do my character harm if I dictate the needful myself." It was written accordingly and signed, and the Justice having subscribed a regular warrant for Bertram alias Brown's discharge, the visitors took their leave.

Each threw himself into his own corner of the post-chariot, and said nothing for some time. The Colonel first broke silence: "So you intend to give up this poor young fellow at the first brush?"

"Who, I?—I will not give up one hair of his head, though I should follow them to the court of last resort in his behalf—but what signified mooting points and shewing one's hand to that old ass? Much better he should report to his prompter, Glossin, that we are indifferent or lukewarm in the matter. Besides, I wished to have a peep at the enemies' game."

"Indeed!—Then I see there are stratagems in law as well as war. Well, and how do you like their line of battle?"

"Ingenious, but I think desperate—-