Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/27

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and hillocks of wood, and forms the right side of the bay?"

"Warroch Point," said the lad.

"And that old castle, my friend, with the modern house situated just beneath it? It seems at this distance a very large building."

"That's the Auld Place, sir; and that's the New Place below it. We'll land you there if you like."

"I should like it of all things. I must visit that ruin before I continue my journey."

"Aye, it's a queer auld bit; and that highest tower is a good land-mark as far as Ramsay in Man, and the Point of Ayr—there was muckle fighting about it lang syne."

Brown would have enquired into farther particulars, but a fisherman is seldom an antiquary. His boatman's local knowledge was summed up in the information already given, "that it was a grand landmark, and that there had been fighting about the bit lang syne."