Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/315

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will not fall to the ground, anymore than the earth will cover my blood!"

She here paused, and all left the but except the surgeon and two or three women. After a very short examination, he shook his head, and resigned his post by the dying woman's side to the clergyrnan.

A chaise returning empty to Kippletringan had been stopped on the high road by a constable, who foresaw it would be necessary to convey Hatteraick to jail. The driver, understanding what was going on at Derncleugh, left his horses to the care of a blackguard boy, confiding, it is to be supposed, rather in their years and discretion than in his, and set off full speed to see, as he expressed himself, "whaten a sort o' fun was gaun on." He arrived just as the group of tenants and peasants, whose numbers increased every moment, satiated with gazing upon the rugged features of Hatteraick, had turned their attention towards Bertram. Al-