Page:H.M. The Patrioteer.djvu/216

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"As for the social virtues of the defendant, all his employes will vouch for them."

Buck was gasping as he sat down. Jadassohn remarked icily: "My learned friend for the defence is asking for a plebiscite." The judges consulted in whispers, and Sprezius announced that the court could only allow counsel's motion in so far as it related to the summoning of Mayor Scheffelweis. As the latter was present he was called at once. He worked his way out of his seat. His wife and mother-in-law held him firmly on both sides and gave him hurried recommendations which must have been contradictory, for the Mayor reached the witness-box visibly perturbed. What attitude did the defendant display in the civic life of the community? Dr. Scheffelweis was able to report favourably. For example, the defendant had voted at the board meetings of the City Council for the restoration of the famous old presbytery where was preserved the hair which Dr. Martin Luther, as well known, had pulled from the Devil's tail. It was true, he had supported the building of "secular Sunday-schools," and had undoubtedly created offence in so doing. Then, he was universally esteemed in business circles; the social reforms which he had introduced into his own factory were generally admired—although it must be confessed there had also been objections to them, on the ground that they increased the demands of the workers to an unlimited degree and thus hastened perhaps the day of revolution. "Would you consider the defendant capable of the crime with which he is charged?" asked counsel for the defence. "In one sense," Scheffelweis replied, "certainly not. "But in another sense?" queried counsel for the prosecution. The witness replied: "In another sense, yes, certainly."

After this answer the Mayor was allowed to retire. His two ladies received him, each equally dissatisfied. The presiding judge was preparing to adjourn the session when Jadassohn cleared his throat. He moved that the witness, Dr. Hessling,