Page:H.M. The Patrioteer.djvu/256

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hither and thither by the girls, who had encircled him like a living wreath. His freedom from care was incomprehensible, and was a positive irritation. Had he stifled his conscience to such a degree that his illegitimate daughter … "Our daughters are not illegitimate children," said Frau Cohn. "My Sidonie arm in arm with Guste Daimchen!" … Buck and his young friends did not notice that they had reached the end of an empty space. In the forefront a hostile public formed a wall. Eyes were gleaming and anger rose. "The family has been on top far too long! One is now safe in jail. The turn of number two will soon come!" Two ladies impetuously broke out of the crowd, made a run and crossed the empty space. The wife of Councillor Harnisch, rolling along in her red satin train, met Frau Cohn, in yellow, exactly at their common goal. With the same gesture the one seized her Sidonie and the other her Meta, and what satisfaction when they returned to their starting point! "I nearly fainted," said Frau Zillich, when Kathchen fortunately turned up. Good humour was restored and people joked about the old sinner, comparing him with the Count in Frau von Wulckow's play. It is true, Guste was not a secret Countess; but one could sympathise with such conditions in a story, in order to be agreeable to the wife of the Governor. There the conditions were tolerable, for the Countess was only going to marry her cousin, whereas Guste…!

Old Buck looked puzzled when he became aware that there was nobody near him except his prospective daughter-in-law and one of his nieces. Indeed, he was obviously embarrassed by the curious glances which were cast at him in his isolation. This was noticed and commented upon and even Diederich began to wonder if there wasn't, after all, some truth in Frau Hessling's story of the scandal. He himself had become frightened, since he saw the phantom, which he had sent forth into the world, taking tangible shape and becoming ever more threatening. This time it was not a mere nobody like