Page:H.R. Rep. No. 94-1476 (1976) Page 328.djvu

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would violate the prohibition in section 602; the person seeking exclusion may also be required to post a surety bond for any injury that may result if the detention or exclusion of the articles proves to be unjustified.
(c) Articles imported in violation of the importation prohibitions of this title are subject to seizure and forfeiture in the same manner as property imported in violation of the customs revenue laws. Forfeited articles shall be destroyed as directed by the Secretary of the Treasury or the court, as the case may be; however, the articles may be returned to the country of export whenever it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that the importer had no reasonable grounds for believing that his acts constituted a violation of law. § 108. Forfeiture and Destruction of Articles Prohibited Importation.—Any and all articles prohibited importation by this title which are brought into the United States from any foreign country (except in the mails) shall be seized and forfeited by like proceedings as those provided by law for the seizure and condemnation of property imported into the United States in violation of the customs revenue laws. Such articles when forfeited shall be destroyed in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury or the court, as the case may be, shall direct: Provided, however, That all copies of authorized editions of copyright, books imported in the mails or otherwise in violation of the provisions of this title may be exported and returned to the country of export whenever it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury, in a written application, that such importation does not involve willful negligence or fraud. (c) Articles imported in violation of the importation prohibitions of this title are subject to seizure and forfeiture in the same manner as property imported in violation of the customs revenue laws. Forfeited articles shall be destroyed as directed by the Secretary of the Treasury or the court, as the case may be; however, the articles may be returned to the country of export whenever it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that the importer had no reasonable grounds for believing that his or her acts constituted a violation of law.
Chapter 7.—COPYRIGHT OFFICE Chapter 3—Copyright Office Chapter 7.—COPYRIGHT OFFICE
  1. The Copyright Office: General responsibilities and organization.
  2. Copyright Office regulations.
  3. Effective date of actions in Copyright Office.
  4. Retention and disposition of articles deposited in Copyright Office.
  5. Copyright Office records: Preparation, maintenance, public inspection, and searching.
  6. Copies of Copyright Office records.
  7. Copyright Office forms and publication.
  8. Copyright Office fees.
  9. Delay in delivery caused by disruption of postal or other services.
  10. Reproductions for use of the blind and physically handicapped: Voluntary licensing forms and procedures.
§ 201. Copyright office: preservation of records.
§ 202. Register, assistant register, and subordinates.
§ 203. Same; deposit of moneys received; reports.
§ 204. Same; bond.
§ 205. Same; annual report.
§ 206. Seal of copyright office.
§ 207. Rules for registration of claims.
§ 208. Record books in copyright office.
§ 209. Certificates of registration: effect as evidence; receipt for copies deposited.
§ 210. Catalogs of copyright entries; effect as evidence.
§ 211. Same; distribution and sale; disposal of proceeds.
§ 212. Records and works deposited in copyright office open to public inspection; taking copies of entries.
§ 213. Disposition of articles deposited in office.
§ 214. Destruction of articles deposited in office remaining undisposed of; removal of by author or proprietor; manuscripts of unpublished works.
§ 215. Fees.
§ 216. When the day for taking action falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday.
  1. The Copyright Office: General responsibilities and organization.
  2. Copyright Office regulations.
  3. Effective date of actions in Copyright Office.
  4. Retention and disposition of articles deposited in Copyright Office.
  5. Copyright Office records: Preparation, maintenance, public inspection, and searching.
  6. Copies of Copyright Office records.
  7. Copyright Office forms and publication.
  8. Copyright Office fees.
  9. Delay in delivery caused by disruption of postal or other services.
  10. Reproductions for use of the blind and physically handicapped: Voluntary licensing forms and procedures.