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máns. These princes already heard of his promises, character, and creed, so Jaishiya and other princes turned Musulmáns, and took Arab names. ’Amrú, son of Musliia al Bahálí was lieutenant of ’Umar on this frontier. He invaded several places in Hind and subdued them.
In the days of Yazíd, son of ’Abdu-l Malik,[1] the sons of Al Muhallib fled to Sind, and Hilál, son of Ahwaz al Tamímí was sent after them. He fell in with them and killed Mudrak, son of Muhallab, at Kándabíl. He also slew Mufazzal, ’Abdu-l Malik, Ziyád, Marún, and Mu’áwiya, sons of Muhallab; last of all he killed Mu’áwiya, son of Yazíd.
Junaid, son of ’Abdu-r Rahmán al Marrí was appointed to the frontier of Sind, under the authority of ’Umar, son of Hubaira al Fazárí, and was confirmed in the government by (the Khalif) Hashám, son of ’Abdu-l Malik.[2] When Khálid, son of ’Abdu-llah Al Kasrí was sent to ’Irák (as governor) Hashám wrote to Junaid directing him to keep up a correspondence with Khálid. Junaid went to Debal and from thence to the banks of the Mihrán, but Jaishiya (son of Dáhir) forbade him to cross, and sent to him, saying, “I have become a Musulmán, and an excellent man confirmed me in my states, but I have no faith in thee.” But (Junaid) gave him pledges and took pledges from him, together with the tribute due from his territories. They thus exchanged guarantees, but Jaishiya acted like an infidel and took up arms. But some say, on the contrary, that he did not begin the attack, but that Junaid dealt unjustly with him. Jaishiya assembled his troops, fitted out ships and prepared for war. Junaid proceeded against him in ships and they fought in the lake of Ash Sharkí. Jaishiya’s ship was destroyed, and he himself was taken prisoner and slain. Sasa[3] son of Dáhir fled and proceeded towards ’Irák to complain of the the treachery of Junaid, but the latter did not cease to conciliate him until they had shaken hands, and then he slew him. Junaid made war against Kíraj, the people of which had rebelled. He made use of battering-rams, and battered the walls of the town with them until they were breached, and then he stormed the place, slaying, plundering, and making

  1. [Yazíd II. reigned 720 to 724 A.D.]
  2. [Began to reign 724 A.D.]
  3. [ ]