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plains, is the city Thanésar;[1] thence to Dahmála,[2] the capital of Jálandhar, and at the base of a mountain, eighteen; thence to Baláwarda, one hundred;[3] thence towards the west, to Lidda, thirteen; thence to the fort of Rájgirí, eight; thence, towards the north, to Kashmír, twenty-five parasangs.
From Kanauj, towards the west, to Dyamau, is ten parasangs; thence to Gati,[4] ten; thence to Ahár,[5] ten; thence to Mírat, ten; thence, across the Jumna, to Pánípat, ten; thence to Kaithal,[6] ten; thence to Sanám, ten.
In going north-west from the latter place to Arat-húr,[7] nine parasangs; thence to Hajnír,[8] six; thence to Mandhúkúr,[9] the capital of Loháwar,[10] on the east of the river Iráwa, eight; thence to the river

  1. [So read by Reinaud and Elliot. A. , B. , C. , D. .]
  2. This is doubtless Dehmárí, which, as we learn from several historians, was the ancient name of Núrpúr, before it was changed by Jahángír, in honour of Núr Jahán Begam. Núrpúr is beyond the Beás; but that would not affect the identification, for the author says merely Jálandhar, not the Doáb, or Interamnia, of Jálandhar. [So according to Reinaud and Elliot. A. has , B. , C. says . Here the Persian preposition td has probably been incorporated with the name as bd.]
  3. [The number “ten,” is given by Reinaud, Elliot, and MS. D. A. says “100,” B. has probably intended for , C. omits the number.]
  4. [So read by Reinaud, and probably right. Elliot and MS. D. have Gahi. A. has B. and C. .] Perhaps Ráj Ghát may be meant. All the other places mentioned in this paragraph are extant to this day.
  5. [The Arabic here adds the Persian numeral of the distance (dah=10) to the name, making it .]
  6. [So read by Elliot. Reinaud has "“Koutayl.” A. and B. have , C. , and D. ]
  7. [The MSS. all agree in making two words, Arat-húr. The Arabic again adds the numeral of the distance (nuh=9) to the name—making it Arat-húznah .]
  8. [A. . B. . C. , D. ]
  9. [Reinaud reads “Maydahoukour.” The only difference in our MSS. is that A. substitutes S. for M. as the first letter
  10. [So according to Elliot. Reinaud has “Lauhaour (Lahor).” A. has and . B. . C. and .]