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Might I ask the chairman before we proceed further, is it the majority‘s intention to take up a motion to release their memoranda publicly? And if so. is it the majority's intention to likewise support the release of the minority memo publicly?

THE CHAIRMAN: Well, I would just say that, Mr; Schiff. that this is in response to a commitment that we made to you that you could draft a minority memo, that we would take it up as soon as possible.

You sent a letter last week asking for a business meeting on Monday, which we granted. And I am actually moving -- I think the members on our committee know we made that commitment -- I am moving the motion under Rule 14(i) to make your minority report available to all Members of the House.

And so that is where we are. And then we will take up other matters as they come. It sounds like you are going to have a couple other motions. And we will be dealing with Mr. King's letter that he sent to us.

MR. SCHIFF: I appreciate that, Mr. Chairman. The basis in which the majority offered to make a minority memo accessible to the committee was that out of a sense of fairness or completeness if you were going to release one to the House. you need to release both. I presume that same logic will apply if the majority intends to proceed with the. release of their memo publicly, that if one is to be released publicly the other will as Well. And I hope that we can operate on that assumption.

With that, I will yield back, Mr. Chairman.

THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Any other members wish to be heard?

Without objection, the previous question is ordered. The question is on the motion to call to the attention of the House the classified executive session memo