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feedback from your own staff or feedback from House Members, because they are in no better position than anyone else, in the absence of input from the Bureau and the Department, to Vet either one of these memoranda.

And I can say this, Mr. Conaway, with reference to your concern: We are going to take a step that you aren't, which is, when this is voted out of committee, if you are going to follow through with your commitment to transparency, we are going to have the Department and the Bureau read our memo and redact it before it goes public. I wish you would make the commitment to do the same. If you are serious about it, if you are serious about protecting sources and methods, you will make the same commitment I am, which is give them the chance to redact anything that could compromise either the investigation or sources and methods.

With that, I yield back.

MR. QUIGLEY: And I reclaim my time. Thank you.

I respect you all. I don't respect this process of what you are doing.

And I am from Chicago. and you know the reputation I have lived with most of my life. working first as a staff person for the Chicago City Council. I saw the worst of the worst. They got nothing on you on this one, folks. This is extraordinary.

And I know what is important here: Let's make sure the White House gets a copy of this first. Because that is who we are all working for, apparently.

Thank you. and I yield back.

THE CHAIRMAN: Without objection. the previous question is ordered.

MR. CASTRO: Mr. Chairman?


MS. SEWELL: Colleagues, I try to use my voice sparingly on this