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And I agree with Mr. Conaway that if you want to take a week, just as we have now taken over a week to come back after the majority memo, that would be fine. But in the sake of completeness, a phrase that Mr. Gowdy has invoked a number of times throughout our investigation, for the sake of completeness, for the sake of not drip-drip-dripping to the public information and then a counter-memo, I don't understand why we can't take a step back. take a week. reconvene next week when we are in session, and vote to release both memos.

It is inconsistent for us to release the majority memo and then to block, to issue a gag order on the Democrats from releasing to the public a minority memo. And I hope my colleagues, my friends on the other side will understand that incompleteness and seek to be consistent.

And I would yield back to the gentlelady.

MS. SEWELL: I will give the remaining time to the ranking member if he wants it.

Do you want this time?

I yield to Mr. Castro.

MR. CASTRO: I would prefer that neither memo be released to the public, like many others on this committee, because the public cannot see the underlying source material. And most of us, except for two people on this committee, have also not seen the underlying source material.

So it begs the question, how somebody can make a fair and thorough assessment, devoid of politics, on all of this unless they are able to see for themselves the documents that are being referred to. And it doesn't look like that is going to be possible for the people on this committee, much less the public.

And now, if the majority is going to move forward and release its memo to