Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/467

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Colai, or Counsell of State.

Choli and Zauli Magistrates extraordinary.

greatest in the Court and Kingdome; they call them Colaos, which are three or foure, sometimes sixe which have no peculiar businesses, but take care of the whole Re-publike, and are the Kings Privy-Counsell in all Affaires. These are daily admitted into the Kings Palace, and there abide whole dayes, and answere as they see cause to the Petitions which are put up to the King (who was wont to define matters with these Colai in publike) and shewing their answere to the King, hee alters or approoveth the same, and sets his hand thereto for the execution.

Besides these Orders of Magistrates and others not mentioned (as like to our owne) there are two sorts not usuall with us, the one Choli, the other called Zauli. In each of these Orders are above sixty choice Philosophers, men approved for their wisdome and courage before [III. ii. 389.] experienced. These two Rankes are used by the King in Court or Province businesses of greater weight, with great and Royall power, which causeth to them great respect and veneration. These by Libell admonish the King if any thing be done contrary to the Lawes in any parts of the Kingdome, not sparing any of the Magistrates, nor the Kings House, nor the King himselfe; to the wonder of other Nations. And although the King sometimes bee touched to the quicke, and toucheth them to the quicke againe, yet cease they not still to rip the sore till it be cured. Other Magistrates may doe it, yea any private man, but these mens Libels or Petitions are of most worth, as proceeding from their peculiar Office. The Copies of them and of the Kings answers are printed by many, so that the Court and State Affaires flye thorow the Kingdome, and are by some written in Bookes, and those of most moment transcribed into the Annals of the Kingdome. Of late when the King would for love of a second Sonne have excluded the eldest, so many by Libels

reprehended the King, that he in anger deprived or abased See Pantoia. one hundred of the Magistrates. They yet ceased not but one day went together into the Kings Palace, and offered