Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/471

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brought from Cascar. Their shadowes or Sumbreros, by their Colours and numbers intimate like difference. They have other Ornaments, Banners, Chaynes, Censors, Guards with Cryes to make way, that in most frequent streetes no man appeareth, more or lesse, according to the Magistrates Dignitie.

The Chinois having plentie of all things, care not for subduing the neighbour-Nations, better keeping their owne, lesse caring for others Countries, then our Europeans: their Chronicles of foure thousand yeeres not mentioning any care of enlarging their Empire. And if any China impressions or foot-prints bee, it is from men voluntarily going to other Countries, not from the Kings ambition sending them. It is also remarkable that Philosophers beare all the sway, the Souldiers and Captaynes being subject to them, and sometimes beaten of them as Schoole-boyes by their Master: even in Militarie matters, the King more using the advise of Philosophers then Captaynes; whereupon every haughtie spirit rather affects meane places in the Literate Order, then great in the Martiall. Yea these Literate are more magnanimous, and more contemne their lives in zeale of the publike then the Souldierie. No lesse admirable is the Symmetrie and Order of Magistrates in their subordinate Orders, in Obedience, Reverence, Visitations and Presents; the Inferiour giving honourable Titles to the Superiour and kneeling to them. None beares any Office above three yeeres, except the King confirme it. And the chiefe Magistrates of Provinces, Cities and Regions, every third yeere must appeare at Pequin, and doe their Rites to the King, at which time severe inquirie is made of the Magistrates, and they thereupon rewarded or punished. I have also observed, that the King dares not alter any of those things, which in this publike Disquisition are ordered by the Judges. Anno 1607. we reade foure thousand Magistrates condemned, that being the Search-yeere, and a Booke published thereof.

These Condemned are of five sorts; First, Covetous

See in Goes. Cap. 4.



Philosophers Empire.

Beautie of Order.

No Office above 3. yeeres.

Appearing at Pequin.

Severe Justice. 4000. Judges judged.

1. Covetous.