Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/479

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Next to the King they honour their Magistrates, both in formes of words and visitations, to which none aspire but Magistrates; and they which have beene deprived lose not all honour in this kind, but sometimes come forth in their habits, and are respected by their Citie Magistrates. If one bee preferred to another dignity, which hath well executed his Office, they honour him with publike gifts, and reserve his Boots in a publike Chist, with Verses in his praise. To some they erect Temples also, and Altars with Images, and some are deputed to keepe lights there burning, and odours, at publike Rent charge perpetually, with huge Censers of Bell-metall, as they doe to their Idols. Yet doe they distinguish betwixt this and Divine worship, of their Gods asking many things, whereas these Rites are onely memorials, though many of the vulgar * confound them together. Cities are full of such Temples, by friends often erected to unworthie men, to which at certaine times they goe and performe kneeling and bowing Rites, and offer Meats. Their Bookes are full of precepts for observing Parents with due honour, and in outward shew no Nation performes so much. They will not sit over against them but on the side, speake to them with great reverence, they sustaine their poorer Parents with their labour in best manner they are able, and in nothing are more curious then their funerals.

The mourning colour is white, and all their habite from the Shooes to the Cap of a strange and miserable fashion. The cause of three yeeres mourning for Parents, is because so long they carried them in armes with so much labour of education: for others as they please, a yeere, or three moneths, as they are in neerenesse: For the King they mourne three yeeres thorow all the Kingdome, and for the Lawfull Queene. Their funerall Rites are written in a Booke which they consult on that occasion, all the parcels of the habite there pictured. When a man of ranke is dead, the Sonne or next Kinsman sends Libels to the friends within three or foure dayes: all the Roome is white, with an Altar in the midst, on which they place the

Honour of Magistrates.

"^As in the doulia and latria of Saints worship and that of God.

Honour of parents.

See in Pantoia of Funeralls and mournings.

Mourning by
