Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/87

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related by others (as I will not sweare but of himselfe hee might mistake, and by others be mis-led, the Chinois here might in relating these rarities to him enlarge, and de magnis majora loqui) so as he still be religious in a just and true deliverie of what himselfe hath seene, and belye not his owne eyes: the former is rashnesse and distastfull, the later is dishonest and detestable. Once, the Sunne Rising hath found many worshippers, but the Westerne Sunne is neerer night: and neerer obscuritie and meannesse are our Westerne affaires then those China Valignanus a great Jesuite wrote a booke with that title. Raies of the East; and wee were Backes and Owles not to beleeve a greater light then our selves see and use. All China Authours how diversified soever in their lines, yet concurre in a centre of Admiranda Sinarum, which if others have not so largely related as this, they may thanke God they payed not so deare a price to see them; and for mee, I will rather beleeve (where reason evicts not an ejectione firma) then seeke to see at the [III. ii. 252.]Authours rate; and if he hath robbed the Altars of Truth, as he did those of the Calempluy Idols, yet in Pequin equity we will not cut off the thumbs (according to Nanquin rigour) upon bare surmise without any evidence against him. However, cheaper I am sure he is by farre to thee then to mee, who would have been loth to be so true a labourer in a lying Authour, willingly or commonly (in my conceit) falsifying his owne sight, though perhaps not seldome deceived in things taken up on China mens trust, or entred into their China Bookes, such as he here often citeth. Men refuse not Silver for the Oare ; gather the Rose notwithstanding the prickles ; neglect not Harvest mixed with weeds. Wheat with the chaffe. Fruit for the shells, and hate not Honie for the Bees sting ; nor will I either in prodigalitie of faith beleeve all, or be so penurious as to reject most of that which here I present. Use thou thy freedome, and him at thy pleasure (I say not mee) and if thou wilt not pardon such a briefe collection, thou wouldst hardly give Castilian entertainement to all, and more then all, often yeelding bravadoes and enlarging