Page:Hallowe'en festivities (1903).djvu/183

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Hit's only des er rabbit-toe,
But den, de luck it brings
Is wuf er million dimes an' mo'
An' all de weddin'-rings !

Be sho' yo' wear it in yo' bre's',
Pertic'lar on de day
De preacher come ter pray an' bless
An' jine yo' han's ter stay.
Des' keep it, honey, an' yo'll fine
Hit hoi's er magic spell
Ter make yo' lover true an' kine
An' han'some, des es well

Er rabbit-foot what's congered right
Lak dis un is, I know,
Will make yo' always glad an' bright
An' good an' putty, sho'.


Frank L. Stanton.

DEE screech-owl, screech f'um de ol' barn lof :
"Yo' drinked yo' dram sence yo' done swear off.
En yo' gwine de way
Whar' de sinners stay,
An' satan gwine to roas' yo' at de Jedgemint-Day !"

Den de ol' hant say f'um de ol' chu'ch-wall:
"Yo' des' so triflin' dat yo' had ter fall!
En yo' gwine de way
Whar' de brimstone stay,
An' satan gwine to roas' yo' at de Jedgemint-Day !"

Den I shake en shiver,
En I hunt de kiver,