Page:Hallowe'en festivities (1903).djvu/73

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Ore hedge and lands,
Thro' pools and ponds
I whirry, laughing, ho, ho, ho!

When lads and lasses merry be,
With possets and with juncates fine;
Unseene of all the company,
I eat their cakes and sip their wine;
And to make sport,
I dart and snort;
And out the candles I do blow:
The maids I kiss;
They shrieke—"Who's this?"
I answer nought but, ho, ho, ho!

By wells and rills, in meadowes greene,
We nightly dance our hey-day guise;,
And to our fairye king, and queene,
We chaunt our moonlight minstrelsies;
When larks 'gin sing,
Away we fling;
And babes new borne steal as we go,
And elfe in bed
We leave instead,
And wend us laughing, ho, ho, ho!

From hag-bred Merlin's time have I
Thus nightly revelled to and fro;
And for my pranks men call me by
The name of Robin Goodfellow.
Fiends, ghosts, and sprites,
Who haunt the nightes,
The hags and goblins do me know;
And beldames old
My feates have told;
So Vale, Vale; ho, ho, ho!
[Exit Robin Goodfellow.]