Page:Hamel Telegraph history 1859.djvu/28

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had been printed in the “Denkschriften,” although not yet published. Schweigger was now pleased to see this alarum, and lost no time in getting it announced in his above named Journal.

It may not be out of place here to remark, that the worthy Abbé Moigno, in his “Traité de Télégraphie électrique” of 1852, is in error, when he (page 64) says that Schweigger had given the account of Soemmerring’s telegraph, and made his remarks about the want of an alarum in the year 1838, in the “Polytechnisches Central Blatt,” which, in the Abbé’s opinion, Schweigger edited. This journal was edited by Julius Ambrosius Hülsse, teacher of mathematics, natural philosophy, and technology, at the commercial school at Leipzig. It contains an article on the electro-magnetic telegraph by Hülsse, which however does not treat on the subject the Abbé refers to. Schweigger had inserted the description of Soemmerring’s telegraph, and made his remarks in the above cited “Journal für Chemie und Physik,” not less than 27 years earlier, in 1811. In 1838 Schweigger was no longer editor of any journal.

Baron Schilling, having made at Soemmerring’s the acquaintance of Schweigger, of course could not foresee that one day an invention of this gentleman, the multiplier,