Page:Hamel Telegraph history 1859.djvu/50

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wanted. In the summer of 1635 he accompanied his parents on a tour to Switzerland. Ascending the Rhine, Heidelberg was visited. Here Professor Tiedemann, the director of the then existing Anatomical Institute, offered to assist young Mr. Cooke in procuring the necessary means for making preparations in wax for his father, if he would come back to Heidelberg.

Accordingly, W, F. Cooke returned in the month of November from Berne, in Switzerland, to Heidelberg, where he took lodgings in the Pldckstrasse, in the house No. 97, at that time belonging to the brewer Wilhelm Speyrer, but now to the brewer George Müller. It bears the strange inscription: " Bierbrauerei zum neuen Essig-haus." There had been before vinegar works in that house.

As Mr. Cooke was not permitted to make here, in the cleanly kept apartments, anatomical dissections, he hired a room in the same street, nearly opposite, in the house of the gardener Schwartz, No. 58, now belonging to his grandson, the turner Ferdinand Koch. Here he was, during the winter, so active, that at the end of it he was able to send off four cases full of models in wax to his father at Durham.

In the present Anatomical Museum at Heildelberg,