Page:Hamlet (1917) Yale.djvu/28

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The Tragedy of Hamlet,

Form of the thing, each word made true and good,
The apparition comes. I knew your father;
These hands are not more like.

Ham. But where was this?

Mar. My lord, upon the platform where we watch'd. 213

Ham. Did you not speak to it?

Hor. My lord, I did;
But answer made it none; yet once methought
It lifted up it head and did address 216
Itself to motion, like as it would speak;
But even then the morning cock crew loud,
And at the sound it shrunk in haste away
And vanish'd from our sight.

Ham. 'Tis very strange. 220

Hor. As I do live, my honour'd lord, 'tis true;
And we did think it writ down in our duty
To let you know of it.

Ham. Indeed, indeed, sirs, but this troubles me. 224
Hold you the watch to-night?

Mar. We do, my lord.

Ham. Arm'd, say you?

Mar. Arm'd, my lord.

Ham. From top to toe?

Mar. My lord, from head to foot.

Ham. Then saw you not his face? 228

Hor. O yes! my lord; he wore his beaver up.

Ham. What! look'd he frowningly?

Hor. A countenance more in sorrow than in anger.

Ham. Pale or red? 232

216 it: its
229 beaver: face-guard of a helmet