Page:Hamlet (1917) Yale.djvu/65

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Prince of Denmark, II. ii

Ros. I think their inhibition comes by the
means of the late innovation.

Ham. Do they hold the same estimation they
did when I was in the city? Are they so followed?

Ros. No, indeed they are not. 359

Ham. How comes it? Do they grow rusty?

Ros. Nay, their endeavour keeps in the wonted
pace: but there is, sir, an aery of children, little
eyases, that cry out on the top of question, and
are most tyrannically clapped for 't: these are
now the fashion, and so berattle the common
stages,—so they call them,—that many wearing
rapiers are afraid of goose-quills, and dare scarce
come thither. 368

Ham. What! are they children? who main-
tains 'em? how are they escoted? Will they
pursue the quality no longer than they can
sing? will they not say afterwards, if they should
grow themselves to common players,—as it is
most like, if their means are no better,—their
writers do them wrong, to make them exclaim
against their own succession? 376

Ros. Faith, there has been much to-do on
both sides: and the nation holds it no sin to
tarre them to controversy: there was, for a while,
no money bid for argument, unless the poet and
the player went to cuffs in the question. 381

355 inhibition: formal prohibition
356 innovation; cf. n.
357 estimation: reputation
362 aery: nest; cf. n.
363 eyases: young hawks
cry . . . question: recite at the highest pitch of the voice; cf. n.
364 tyrannically: outrageously
365 berattle: fill with din
common stages: public theatres
367 afraid of goose-quills: afraid of being satirized
370 escoted: maintained
371 quality: profession
373 common players: professional players
376 succession: future, or, inheritance
379 tarre: incite
380 argument: subject-matter, plot
381 cuffs: blows