Page:Hamlet - The Arden Shakespeare - 1899.djvu/131

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Will bring him to his wonted way again,
To both your honours.

Oph. Madam, I wish it may.
[Exit Queen.[a 1]

Pol. Ophelia, walk you here.—Gracious,[b 1] so please you,[a 2]
We will bestow ourselves. [To Ophelia] Read on this book,
That show of such an exercise[b 2] may colour 45
Your loneliness.[a 3] We are oft to blame in this,—
'Tis too much proved,—that with devotion's visage
And pious action we do sugar[a 4] o'er
The devil himself.

King. [Aside.][a 5] Oh, 'tis too[a 6] true!
How smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience! 50
The harlot's cheek, beautied with plastering art,
Is not more ugly to[b 3] the thing that helps it
Than is my deed to my most painted word.
O heavy burden!

Pol. I hear him coming; let's[a 7] withdraw, my lord. 55
[Exeunt King and Polonius.

Enter Hamlet.[a 8]

Ham. To be, or not to be:[b 4] that is the question:

  1. Exit Queen] Theobald, omitted Q, F.
  2. 43. please you] Q, please ye F.
  3. 46. loneliness] F, lowlines Q.
  4. 48. sugar] Q, surge F.
  5. 49. Aside] Capell, at line 50 Pope.
  6. 49. 'tis too] Q, 'tis F.
  7. 55. let's] F, omitted Q.
  8. Enter Hamlet] F, after burden, line 54, Q.
  1. 43. Gracious] addressed to the King.
  2. 45, exercise] act of devotion (the book being one of prayers), as in King Richard III. III. vii. 64: "his holy exercise."
  3. 52. to] compared to, as in I. ii. 140.
  4. 56. To be, or not to be:] Explained by Johnson as a future life, or non-existence after death; by Malone, to live, or to commit suicide. G. Macdonald regards the words as the dose of a preceding train of thought, not to be connected with what follows.