Page:Handbook of Meteorology.djvu/283

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Table 12—Barometer Inches to Kilobars—Continued
27.19 920.8 26.99 914.0 26.79 907.3 26.59 900.5 26.39 893.7 26.19 887.0
27.18 920.5 26.98 913.7 26.78 906.9 26.58 900.2 26.38 893.4 26.18 886.6
27.17 920.1 26.97 913.4 26.77 906.6 26.57 899.8 26.37 893.0 26.17 886.3
27.16 919.8 26.96 913.0 26.76 906.3 26.56 899.5 26.36 892.7 26.16 885.9
27.15 919.5 26.95 912.7 26.75 905.9 26.55 899.1 26.35 892.4 26.15 885.6
27.14 919.1 26.94 912.4 26.74 905.6 26.54 898.8 26.34 892.0 26.14 885.3
27.13 918.8 26.93 912.0 26.73 905.2 26.53 898.5 26.33 891.7 26.13 884.9
27.12 918.4 26.92 911.7 26.72 904.9 26.52 898.1 26.32 891.4 26.12 884.6
27.11 918.1 26.91 911.3 26.71 904.6 26.51 897.8 26.31 891.0 26.11 884.2
27.10 917.8 26.90 911.0 26.70 904.2 26.50 897.4 26.30 890.7 26.10 883.9
27.09 917.4 26.89 910.7 26.69 903.9 26.49 897.1 26.29 890.3 26.09 883.6
27.08 917.1 26.88 910.3 26.68 903.5 26.48 896.8 26.28 890.0 26.08 883.2
27.07 916.8 26.87 910.0 26.67 903.2 26.47 896.4 26.27 889.7 26.07 882.9
27.06 916.4 26.86 909.6 26.66 902.9 26.46 896.1 26.26 889.3 26.06 882.5
27.05 916.1 26.85 909.3 26.65 902.5 26.45 895.8 26.25 889.0 26.05 882.2
27.04 915.7 26.84 909.0 26.64 902.2 26.44 895.4 26.24 888.6 26.04 881.9
27.03 915.4 26.83 908.6 26.63 901.9 26.43 895.1 26.23 888.3 26.03 881.5
27.02 915.1 26.82 908.3 26.62 901.5 26.42 894.7 26.22 888.0 26.02 881.2
27.01 914.7 26.81 907.9 26.61 901.2 26.41 894.4 26.21 887.6 26.01 880.9
27.00 914.4 26.80 907.6 26.60 900.8 26.40 894.1 26.20 887.3 26.00 880.5

For the extension of this table multiply the number of inches and hundreths by 33.866, the value of 1 inch in kilobars
1 millimeter = 1.3332 kilobars. 1000 kilobars = 29.5306 barometer inches, or 750.076 millimeters.