Page:Handbook of Ophthalmology (3rd edition).djvu/13

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Congenital anomalies of puneta lacrymalia. Foreign bodies and cryptogams in canaliculi. Ectropion and occlusion of canaliculi. Dacryocystitis. Strictures of canaliculi. Bowman's probes. Cutting stricture. Cauterization of lachrymal sac. Lachrymal fistula. Polypi of canaliculi
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Diseases of Eyelids. Blepharitis. Phtheiriasis of cilia and eyebrows. Hordeolum. Abnormities of tarsal glands. Chalazion. Herpes zoster frontalis. Eczema, erysipelas, and abscess of lids. Syphilitic ulceration of lids and conjunctiva. Lupus. Epithelioma. Telangiectasia. Cystic tumors of lids. Ephidrosis. Seborrhœa. Chromhidrosis. Xanthelasma. Blepharospasm. Ptosis. Paralysis of orbicular muscle. Lagophthalmus. Ectropion. Entropion. Blepharophimosis. Distichiasis congenita. Epicanthus. Coloboma of upper lid. Symblepharon. Blepharoplastic operations
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Diseases of Conjunctiva. Hyperæmia. Conjunctivitis, simple or catarrhal. Chronic conjunctivitis. Atropine conjunctivitis. Blennorrhœa of conjunctiva. Blennorrhœal corneal affections. Rules for cauterization. Chronic blennorrhœal processes. Diphtheritic conjunctivitis. Swelling of conjunctival follicles. Trachoma. Ophthalmia militaris, granulosa, etc. Hemorrhage beneath the conjunctiva. Serous swelling. Lupus. Pemphigus. Foreign bodies. Burns. Pterygium. Pinguecula. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis
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Diseases of the Cornea. Examination by focal illumination. Keratitis phlyctænulosa, parenchymatosa, punctata. Hypopion. Keratitis. Corneal abscess. Ulcus corneæ serpens. Neuro-paralytic keratitis. Corneal ulceration with interstitial encephalitis. Corneal ulcers. Corneal opacities. Irregular astigmatism. Staphyloma. Corneal fistula. Cysts on cornea. Keratoconus. Wounds of cornea. Tumors of cornea. Arcus senilis
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Diseases of the Sclera. Scleritis and episcleritis, simple and complicated. Scleral staphyloma
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Diseases of the Iris. Iritis idiopathica. Relapsing iritis. Total adhesion of pupillary margin. Irido-choroiditis. Corelysis. Iritis syphilitica, gummosa. Hydro-meningitis. Secondary iritis. Irido-cyclitis. Sympathetic disease. Enucleatio bulbi. Membrana pupillaris perseverans. Irideremia. Disappearance of iris by sinking. Coloboma iridis. Tumors of iris
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Diseases of the Lens. Senile changes. Soft cortical cataract. Cataracta senilis, congenita, diabetica. Complicated cataract. Examination of vision. Partial opacity of lens. Cataracta incipiens, punctata, striata. Lamellar cataract. Cataracta centralis anterior, pyramidalis, centralis, posterior. Calcification of lens. Cataract operation. Linear extraction. Iridectomy in flap operation. Peripheral linear incision. Discision. Cataracta traumatica. Capsular and secondary cataract. Luxation of lens. Aphakia
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Diseases of the Vitreous Body. Liquefaction and detachment. Myodesopia. Opacities. Hyalitis. Cholesterin in vitreous. Recurring hemorrhages into vitreous. Development of vessels in vitreous. Arteria hyaloidea persistens. Cysticercus
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Normal Fundus of Eye. Optic disc. Lamina cribrosa. Differences in level about disc. Physiological excavation. Ophthalmoscopic diagnosis of differences of level. Central vessels of retina. Adventitial layer visible. Venous pulsation. Arterial pulsation. Retina visible. Its physiological opacity and reflex. Macula lutea. Fovea centralis. Choroid, differences in its pigmentation. Albinismus. Intervascular spaces of choroid
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