Page:Handbook of maritime rights.djvu/48

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cargo. But the Parliament of Paris in 1592 adjudged the contrary (on the express grounds of international law) in the case of a Hamburg ship.

To sum up, we may divide the history of the law on the subject of marine captures into three epochs.

I. From the earliest times consecrated, not introduced, by the Consolato del Mare, up to the middle of the 16th century, when the equitable rules of the Consolato were never departed from.

II. From the middle of the 16th century to the American revolution, when the rules were frequently departed from for state reasons of policy, and as retaliatory measures, but with the tendency to return to the norma laid down in the Consolato del Mare.

III. From the period of the American revolution down to the Peace of Vienna, 1815, which I will consider in a future chapter.