Page:Handbook of maritime rights.djvu/71

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other states) Colbert granted to Holland, and for the simple reason that under his regulations French manufactures throve better than French navigation, and it was for the interest of France herself to increase the facilities for her commerce by the lowering of freights.

And the second point (securing the carrying trade in time of war) the Dutch obtained from France by the 35th article of the treaty of 1662, between France and Holland. This was an immense triumph for Dutch policy and Dutch perseverance. It was not the first treaty recognition of the maxim which they obtained (for they had obtained it in 1650 from Spain, and in 1661 from Portugal), but it was the most important instance of their success. There remained England; and if only they could obtain the same success with her, their national fortune was secured. They strove hard to obtain it. As early as 1654, in a proposal for a maritime treaty between