Page:Hannah More (1887 Charlotte Mary Yonge British).djvu/100

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Mr. Wilberforce to beg for a supply of New Testaments, Prayer-Books, and a few hymn-books.

After recruiting herself with the waters at Bath, Hannah proceeded to pay her yearly visit to London, where anecdotes of the revolutionary doings in France were current.

Once a lady was astonished by her maid walking into her room with a pamphlet in her hand, and sitting down to read it, explaining "C'est que nous allons tous devenir égaux et je me prepare pour l'égalité." Also, when a duel was expected, so many spectators went to it that il y avait trente whiskeys remplis de dames.

The Duke of Grafton had put forth a pamphlet of a latitudinarian character entitled, Hints to an Association for preventing Vice and Immorality, and this called forth an answer from Miss More, by name An Estimate of the Religion of the Fashionable World.

Judging by this reply, there must have been a great deal in His Grace's paper like complaints we are familiar with. It affirmed and asserted that people absented themselves from church from objections to the Liturgy, and Miss More replies, in a spirit of evident affection to the Prayer-Book: "If we do not find a suitable humiliation in the Confession, a becoming earnestness in the petitions, a congenial joy in the Adoration, a corresponding gratitude in the