Page:Harris Dickson--The unpopular history of the United States.djvu/106

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The Unpopular History of the United States

of returning to their boats, they stormed the British camp—result: 45 killed, 605 prisoners, 150 escaped. The other detachment, thanks to a vigorous sortie by the regulars, succeeded in entering the fort. One-half the command had been lost by disobedience and individual initiative.

One bright spot showed in the whole campaign. Fort Stephenson was garrisoned by 160 American regulars, under command of Major Croghan, a lad of less than twenty-one. Through his successes Proctor had grown audacious. He assaulted the fort with 391 British regulars, losing 96. The garrison casualties were 1 killed and 7 slightly wounded. Why the difference? Easy to answer. Major Croghan’s Americans were regulars, and knew how to obey.

There is no sense in piling up instances. The War of 1812 bristled with calamities caused by our unmanageable, disorganized, and inefficient militia. Throughout that war the British regulars held Canada with probably 5,000 men. Against them we sent expe-
