Page:Harris Dickson--The unpopular history of the United States.djvu/13

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For three years the world has been talking about war. So has Uncle Sam. Everybody listens. So do I. Yet, while listening with both ears, I fail to comprehend. I know absolutely nothing of military science. Do you?

Highly specialized officers have explained to me the object of certain mass formations, problems of range and parabola, and remaining velocities. All of which goes right over my head. War news and technical discussions produce little or no effect upon me except that of helpless horror. And that is how the average American feels, although dimly realizing that the life or death of his country, and of world-wide republican institutions, hang in the balance. The average American is eager and anxious to know, so he can do something, and do it well.

Our Uncle Sam, being a plain-spoken and
