Page:Harris Dickson--The unpopular history of the United States.djvu/20

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The Unpopular History of the United States

we are having a war, a strictly business war that will spare no home in the land. They must realize it, and realize it right now. I’ve got a job for every man, woman and child in America, a job to be learned and done—efficiently.

They don’t see it yet. They have got the notion that nobody dares tackle them, that we are some punkins in a scrap, and can whip both sets of allies in our spare time, say, between breakfast and dinner, which makes a fellow strut and feel good, but lays him liable to a jolt.

Our folks have been thinking it was not necessary for us to do anything, and of course Congress trailed along behind. That is why nothing had been done up to a year ago. But the people are waking up, and putting alarm clocks under Congress. Mind you I am not blaming anybody in particular. I am just saying what’s what.

Our people don’t know because they have not been told at all, or been told wrong, and that’s the main trouble. School books teach
