Page:Harry Castlemon - The Steel Horse.djvu/50

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always found wheelmen ready to tell us anything we wanted to know."

"Best lot of fellows in the world," replied the stranger, with enthusiasm. "And the best of it is, you will find them wherever you you go. A wheel is a passport to the best society in the land. You don't live in the city? I thought not. You are from the country."

"What makes you think that?" inquired Joe.

"Didn't we get it all off?" exclaimed Roy, turning first one side, then the other, and giving his uniform a good looking-over. "I'm sure I used my brush the best I knew how."

"Yes, it is pretty dusty, that's a fact," said the stranger. "I ought to know, for I have been on the road myself to-day. There's nothing about you or your uniforms to attract attention, but I knew you were from the country the minute I put my eyes on you, because you are so careless with your money. Look at that. If it hadn't been for me you would have lost it, beyond a doubt."

So saying he held out his hand and exhibited