Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 4.djvu/10

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vi INDEX, PAGE CASES. — Equity. — Continued. Statute of Limitations allowed to run through the fraud of the defendant 241 Evidence. Communication to defendant, showing knowledge on his part 42 Declaration by deceased owner of land 188 Dying declarations 94 Evidence of accomplices 241 Evidence that the fee to be paid by the plaintiff was contingent . . 292 Parol evidence ; that a note was not to be enforced 240 In regard to a written warranty 242 Privileged communication to a physician . 94 Validity of a statute 145 Executors and Administrators. Reimbursement from legatees after distribution 188 Extradition. Political offences 397 Fixtures. See Real Property. Habeas Corpus. Where the defendant has parted with the custody . . 42 Husband and Wife. Loss of right to share in the husband's estate 340 Illegality. See Contracts. Innkeepers. Loss of baggage 94 See also Lien. Insolvency. After-acquired property 144 Amount of proof when the creditor holds security ^ . 144 Assets ; Alabama claims 241 ' Assignment of a claim to a citizen of another State 189 Fraudulent conveyances 241 Insurance. Breach of condition 42 Death by disease 292 Laches of the assignee of a policy 293 Payment of premium to agent 94 Rights of beneficiary in a substituted policy 144 What is an explosion 292 Judgment. Satisfaction 293 Legal Tender. Worn coins 94 Libel. Charge that a corporation is corrupt 293 Privileged communications 340 Publication 94 Statement that plaintiff's brother is a convict 241 Lien. Innkeepers 241 Maritime 339 Loss of Consortium. Action by wife 241 Malicious Prosecution. Probable cause 340 Master and Servant. Common employment 42 Duty to minors 340 Who is an employ^ 189 Measure of Damages. Injuries by a second accident 241 In statutory actions for death of human being 95 See also Real Property. Municipal Corporations. Delegation of power 293