Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 4.djvu/154

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Harvard Law Review Published monthly, during the Academic Year, by Harvard Law Students. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER ANNUM 35 CENTS PER NUMBER. Editorial Board. Wilfred Bolster, Guy Cunningham, David T. Dickinson, Francis C. Huntington, James M. Newell, Ezra R. Thayer, , . Editor-in-Chief. Herbert H. Darling, Treasurer, Stephen A. Foster, Ralph A. Kellogg, Oliver Prescott, Jr., Frank B. Williams, George E. Wright. The new course on the Peculiarities of Massachusetts Law and Practice, the foundation for which has been furnished by a generous friend of the Law School, is a valuable addition to the work of the School. This is understood to be part of a plan for giving similar instruction in the law and practice of other leading States when funds can be obtained for the purpose. Mr. Frank Brewster, a graduate of the class of 1883, has been appointed to conduct the present course. The following list shows the number of students in the Law School on October loth. A reference to the right-hand column will show the gain or loss as compared with the number present October 10, 1889 : — October, 1890. October, 1889. Third Year 43 Second Year 73 First Year 97 Special Students .... 60 Total 273 Third Year 51 Second Year 60 First Year ...... 77 Special Students .... 56 Total ...... 244 We insert below an extract from the Harvard Law School Associa- tion circular of October i, 1890, sent us by the Treasurer of the Asso- ciation : — The Association, organized September 23, 1886, now numbers 1,519 members, representing forty-three States and Territories of the United States, the Dominion of Canada, and various foreign countries, and dis- tributed as follows : — Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Dist. Columbia, Florida, 5 3 Georgia, Illinois, 10 60 Maryland, Massachusetts, 21 619 37 15 Indiana, Iowa, 12 II Michigan, Minnesota, 15 21 15 9 27 Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, 16 4 Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, I 40 3 I Maine, 27 Nebraska, 3