Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 4.djvu/8

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iv INDEX, PAGE CASES. — Continued. Bills and Notes. Anomalous indorser 291 Collateral security 396 Domiciled note 291 Qualified acceptance 187 Two judgments 142 When the original debt revives 142 Common Carriers. Contracts in restraint of trade . 93 Contributory negligence 40 Delay caused by strikers 396 Discrimination 93 Eminent domain 339 Liability for torts of servants 339 Limiting amount of liability 40 Limiting liability on free passes 40 Conflict of Laws. Power of Attorney 291 Conspiracy. Combination to drive a rival out of business 240 Constitutional Law. Due process of law. Arbitrary power of a railroad commission 142 Effect of a special appearance in a court of Texas 291 Elections ; suit by a tax-payer to question validity of 292 Cumulative voting; Const, of Michigan 396 Equal protection of the laws. Discriminating license fee .... 40 Licenses to sell intoxicating liquors 240 Licenses to sell granted only to citizens of the United States 339 Right of appeal 240 Schools ; separation of colored and white children .... 397 Execution of the laws ; power of the President 142 Full faith and credit to be given to records of another State ... 93 Grand Jury, meaning of, in Const, of North Carolina 291 Habeas Corpus, writs issued by U. S. Circuit Courts 142 "Holding court" by one district judge for another: Const, of Montana 339 Interstate commerce. Extension by the "Wilson Bill" of pre- viously existing State laws to imported liquor .... 339 Gambling, not a species of 397 Meat inspection laws 143 Original packages ; Leisy v. Hardin 143 Original package, what it is 339 Original package, when State may prohibit sale of .... 397 Telephone messages are subjects of interstate commerce . . 340 Time when imported property becomes subject to State liquor laws ; constitutionality of " Wilson Bill " . . . . 292 Jury; right to trial by a jury of the vicinage; Const, of Cali- fornia 397 Police power. Fixing of water-rates ; deprivation of property . . 41 Gambling, suppression of 397 Keeping in possession spirituous liquor for another .... 93 Killing of infectious animals 397 Regulation of the payment of employes 41