Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 5.djvu/14

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X INDEX. PACK NOTES — Continued. Harvard Law School. Increased number of students 238 New case books 345 The Dean's annual report 403 Homicide, Justifiable 240 Judge, Misconduct of a 346 Judicial Grammar 239 Jury's Duty in Criminal Cases 285 Jury, Trial by. American Bar Association 202 Justifiable Homicide 240 Killing a Thief 240 Langdell Case System. Its increasing influence in England and America 89 Legal Detriment in Contracts 147 Libel. Libellous to call a man an " Anarchist " 288 Mental Suffering, Damages for 285 Misconduct of a Judge 346 Political Assessments 286 Privacy, Right to 148 Privilege of Witnesses in Federal Courts 346 Rights in a Dead Body, Nature of 285 Right of a Former Ward of Court to marry 405 Sale of Church Property for debt 91 Tilden Will Case 240 Trespass. Inevitable accident a defence to action for shooting .... 36 Trial by Jury. American Bar Association 202 Trover. Conversion before plaintiff's title has accrued 347 Trusts. Gift of a chose in action 35 Watuppa Pond Cases, Reversal of decision in . . . 148 • Weavers' Fines Act declared unconstitutional 287 Witnesses in Federal Courts, Privilege of 346 REVIEWS. American Bar Association, Report of 417 American Digest, 1891 355 Bigelow on Torts. 4 ed. 210 Black on Judgments 43 Black's Law Dictionary 1 55 Boutmy on Constitutional Law 155 Digest XIX. 2. Locati Conducti 415 Dunlap's Abridgment of Elementary Law 417 Elliott on the Law of Roads and Streets 99 General Digest, 1891 356 Houston on Canadian Constitution 98 Keener's Selection on Contracts 355 Lawyers' Reports Annotated 355 Prescription in England 153 Ray on Negligence of Imposed Duties 248 Revised Statutes of the United States 294 Rogers on Expert Testimony 99 Sedgwick on Damages. 8 ed 153