Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 8.djvu/8

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iv TABLE OF CONTENTS, CASES. Accession. See Personal Property. Page Adverse Possession. See Real Property. Agency. Agent exceeding his powers; ratification 284 Contract under seal ; validity as a simple contract 116 Duty of master to guard machinery ; waiver 291 Employers' Liability Act ; "Ways, Works and Machinery" 357 Implied notice 229, 502 Independent contractor 58 Liability of master for servant not under his control .' 174 Liability of member of college class 502 Parol authority 357 Ratification by principal non-existent at time of contract 357 Servant appointed by a servant 503 Vice-principal 116, 174 Assignment for Creditors. Release; effect 116 Attachment. See Partnership and Personal Property. Attorneys and Councillors. Women 174 Bailment. See Personal Property. Bills and Notes. Action on last day of grace 229 Amount; uncertainty 503 Delivery in escrow 230 Fraud ; burden of proof 230 Garnishment 358 Negligent acceptor 425 Usury ; conflict of laws 59 Breach of Promise. See Persons. Carrier. Contract to relieve from liability for negligence 174 Limitation of liability 425 Refusal to transport freight; tender 230 Stop-over privileges 358 Termination of liability 503 Unreasonable stipulations in bill of lading 117 Chattel Mortgages. Delivery . • 508 Potential existence 230 Clubs. Sale of liquor by 426 Conflict of Laws. Divorce ; obtained in one State ; effect in another . . . 285 Statute of limitations as to action for death by wrongful act 426 Usury ; bills and notes 59 Constitutional Law. Apportionment 232 Canada ; federal negative 504 Collateral inheritance tax 232, 358 Common law of United States 426 Dispensary act (S. C.) 174 Due process of law — convict-fhade goods 426 Elevated railways; taking property 231 Eminent domain ; additional servitude ; electric railways 507 Eminent domain ; conflicting public uses 289, 431 Extradition 504 Indian ; sale of liquor to > 504