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M‘ Leans M‘ Dougals and M Neil
So boldly as they took the field
And made their enemies to yield.
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel.Sing &c.

The Gordons boldly did advance,
The Frazers fought with sword and lance,
The Grahams made their heads to dance,
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel.Sing &c.

The Royal Stewarts and Monroes,
So boldly as they faced their foes,
Aud brought them down by handy blows
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel,Sing &c

Out of twenty thousand Englishmen,
Five hundred fled to Aberdeen:
The rest of them they all lay slain,
Upon the Haughs of Crumdel:Sing &c,

It fell upon the Martinmas time.

It fell about the Martinmas time.
and a gay time it was than
When our gudewife had puddings to mak,
and she boiled them in the pan.