Page:Hausa Proverbs.djvu/75

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Hausa Proverbs

351 Juga rabbo'n cluffu, mai kaza ya tasshi da kai. Sharing in the dark is not a good thing, the owner of the fowl (shared) may come off with the head. Anajuga masa da yawa, he has had much more than his share. 352 Kowa na Allah ne, amma dammu na maigona ne. Every one belongs to Allah, but the dammu belongs to the owner of the farm. That at any rate is mine. Dammu, a Hzard. 353 Arziki ba riga ba ne, bale a tube. Good luck is not like a coat which you can take off and on. 354 Zuma da zaki (jl;) da harbi. The bee has both sweetness and a sting (zuma, honey, a bee). There are two sides to every question. 355 Dukia magani'n kankantchi. Wealth is the cure for punishment. 356 Barewa ta yi gudu, danta shi rereffi. When the bareica runs shall its young one crawl. When my master goes out shall I stay at home. Barewa, the gazelle, the Senegal antelope. 357 Kura na sba'n rua, karre ya leka. The dog looks on while the kura drinks. Na, vide 8. 358 Litafi'n makariacbi, shi ka yi karatu'n abinshi rana'n taro. The record of the liar, you read it the day you meet.