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and effort to help us to attain. There flows forever the stream of the water of life, and forever increases in crystal clearness. There the fountains of wisdom are ever fresh, and the flame of love burns with ever-increasing fervor. There beauty never fades, but ever grows more fresh and fair. There none grow old, but all rejuvenate;—all who have passed on earth their manhood's prime, are forever advancing towards younger, yet still riper life. Old age puts off its wrinkles there, and returns to the vigor and bloom of early manhood. There joys never decay, and the warm current of bounding life gushes forth with perennial freshness. And the simple yet all-sufficient reason is, that the angels are forever becoming more and more receptive of the Divine Life—forever drawing nearer and nearer, or becoming more and more like. Him who is the one eternal Source of all wisdom, beauty, life and joy.



ONE of the definitions which a distinguished lexicographer has given of heaven, is, "the home of the blessed." And all good people, when they think of heaven, think of it as a Home,—their eternal home. When they look forward to the time of their decease, they think and speak of it as the time when they hope to be taken home. And when a righteous man closes his earthly pilgrimage, his neighbors say: "The good