Page:Heaven Revealed.djvu/248

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world and his spiritual interpretations of the Scripture, there is no disagreement but perfect harmony. And this harmony is such as no human ingenuity could ever have invented; such, indeed, as clearly demonstrates the truth of both. If the law which determines the phenomenal world in the great Beyond, be the same as that according to which the Divine of the Lord forever descends to ultimates, according to which the inspired Word was composed, according to which creation is effected,—namely, the law of correspondence between the interior and exterior, or between cause and effect,—then we should expect to find in the teachings of the seer precisely the harmony to which we have referred, and which actually exists there.

Briefly to sum up what has been said:—

The heaven that Swedenborg tells us of is a thoroughly human heaven. And since it is human, there must be homes and consequently human habitations there. These, like everything else in the other world, are spiritual in their nature. This, too, is the testimony of both reason and Scripture. The houses in heaven are growths—creations—from within, and therefore in perfect correspondence with the states of their occupants. They are the normal outbirths of the loves which rule in the hearts of the angels—of loves which constitute their very being, and in whose exercise they live and find their supreme delight. Beautiful and magnificent are they, too, according to the breadth, exaltation, purity and intensity of their love; yet differing from each other as the angels themselves differ—thus enhancing the beauty and joy of heaven by their