Page:Heaven Revealed.djvu/25

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tal condition in the case of all other seers? Or will it be said that what was once reckoned among the credentials of heaven-illumined prophets, is now to be regarded as evidence of mental hallucination?



IT is quite common to hear urged against Swedenborg's claim, such objections as these: That, after the closing of the sacred canon, there was never to be any further revelation; that his disclosures concerning the other world, if true, would be a revelation of mysteries which no one has a right to pry into or know anything about; that it would be an unveiling of the "secret things" which belong to God, and are no concern of ours.

But what reason have we to believe that God has limited Himself to precisely that measure of revealed truth vouchsafed to the world many centuries ago? Where is it written that He will never make any further revelation concerning Himself, his kingdom, or the grand realities of the spiritual world? The Bible contains no such declaration—no warrant, indeed, for any such belief. What reason, then, for believing that the Heavenly Father has denied to Himself the delight of communicating, or to men the blessed privilege of receiving, more truth concerning that world beyond the tomb which is to be the final home of all his children?