Page:Heaven Revealed.djvu/266

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on earth, and love them with a purer spiritual affection—an affection that has supreme regard to their eternal well-being. Thus they are kept under the more immediate auspices of the Lord, and are freed from the manifold debasing influences that surround little children in this lower sphere. They inhale the healthful atmosphere of heaven. No blasting mildew—no foul breath from hell falls upon them there. They meet with no harsh or unkind treatment. So wisely are they led and governed, that their hereditary evils lie dormant—never become actual sins. They witness in those around them no exhibition of evil feelings, they hear no profane or angry words, they look upon no wicked deeds. Love prompts and wisdom directs whatever is done to them and for them. Love breathes in every tone they hear; love beams in every face they see; love moulds the forms and prompts the words and shapes the deeds of all around them. Even the gardens, trees and flowers, and all the beautiful objects that greet their senses, are but the visible and substantial forms of the angelic thoughts and affections which are poured forth in a fresh and everliving stream into their open and receptive souls.

They are educated, too, in a far wiser manner than children on earth. They are instructed for the most part by representatives which are surpassingly beautiful and fraught with angelic wisdom. Objects which delight them exceedingly—all of which are correspondences replete with instruction suited to their states—are presented before them, and their signification fully explained; and thus their minds are gradually opened, and they are led on by their angel teachers to the fulness of angelic wis-