Page:Heaven Revealed.djvu/315

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to truth and truth to good, thus for becoming wise; consequently also for imbibing the things of the church and heaven.

"I have heard from the angels that those who lived in the most ancient times, live at this day in heaven. . . in like manner as they had lived on earth, because love truly conjugial was with them; and that their offspring inherited from them inclinations to the conjugial of good and truth, and that they were easily initiated into it more and more internally by the parents by education, and when they became of more mature judgment, were introduced into it as of themselves by the Lord."—C. L. 202, '4, '5.

We thus see what solemn and weighty considerations exist, to induce all who are contemplating marriage, to seek a truly conjugial union. And how can they expect to form such a relation, without looking devoutly for guidance to Him who is the light of all minds, and the source of all true marriages on earth as well as in heaven. There is no single act in life wherein the guidance of Divine wisdom is so much needed, as in that of marriage.

As soon, therefore, as a man begins to think seriously of entering into this sacred relation—involving, as it does, not only his own best welfare, but the character and well-being of his posterity—he should enter into his closet, the secret closet of his heart, and pray to the Father that seeth in secret, for the wisdom and guidance which he so much needs. And if he sincerely desires to be led of the Lord in a matter so momentous, and looks to Him with humble and supplicating heart, he cannot fail to be led in the right way.